Saturday, September 21, 2024


Must Read

A follow up of the discussion as to whether it was Ishmael or Isaac who was used for the sacrifice, is the above pertinent topic as to the person in whom was God’s covenant established.

The Biblical covenant (agreement) enacted between God and Abraham centred on the recognition, by Abraham and his descendants, of God as their God and the need to obey and worship Him. From scriptures we read; “And I will establish My covenant between Me (God) and you (Abraham) and your descendants after you in their generation for an everlasting covenant, to be a God onto, and to your descendants after you” (Gen. 17:7).

The words “To be a God to you and to your descendants” form the essence of the covenant. Meaning that he and his descendants should recognise Him as the only true God and worship Him alone, without associating partners with Him. Let us search the Bible for benefits that would accrue to Abraham and his descendants following their adherence to the covenant. First, God would multiply him exceedingly (Gen. 17:2). Second, Abraham was to be the father of many nations (Gen. 17:4), hence the change of name from Abram to Abraham. Third, God would make him and his descendants inherit the land of Canaan in which he Abraham was a stranger. Fourth, that he and his descendants would ever inherit the land from the river Nile in Egypt to the river Euphrates (Gen. 15:18). Another interpretation also is that this last benefit from the covenant could have been signed separately between God and His servant Abraham. This should be so for the fact that the Bible has attached the following words to this agreement: “In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abraham” (Gen. 15:18).

But then the climax of the covenant is expressed in the verse; “This is my covenant, which you shall keep between Me and you and in your descendants after you; every male child among you shall be circumcised” (Gen. 17:10). Meaning that in much as the authenticity of an agreement is established using a seal, in the same way circumcision of the male child was to be the authentic seal of the agreement between God and Abraham. So that if you call yourself a proud descendant of Abraham, like what Christ did in the gospels, then you must be circumcised as the external sign of the agreement. He who was and is not circumcised is therefore not a part of Abraham. Details of the circumcision process include: An eight day old child must be circumcised by removing the foreskin of the male’s private part. (Gen. 17:11). Descendants and slaves were to be circumcised (Gen. 17:13). So serious was God with the agreement that any male slave and descendant who failed to circumcise: “That soul shall be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant” (Gen. 17:14).

On the very day when the covenant was finally established, present were Abraham, Ishmael and his slaves (Gen. 17:23). Says the Bible concerning Abraham and Ishmael: “And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in his flesh” (Gen. 17:24-25). The question is where was Isaac on the very day when the covenant was circumcised? He was not present but was born a year later after the signing of that historic agreement, when Abraham was ninety-nine and Ishmael was thirteen years. So in whom was the covenant established? Of course in Ishmael. Any material and spiritual spillage from the signing of the agreement would certainly also cover Isaac, being also a descendant. Concerning Isaac we read; “But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear unto you at this set time in the next year” (Gen. 17:21).

In view of the fact that the covenant had been established a year before the birth of Isaac (Gen. 17:10), what other covenant was God to establish separately with Isaac? You can appreciate at this point the fact that a new covenant with Isaac would be superfluous, extravagant and unnecessary, since he was already covered under earlier covenant even though he was not present in the occasion in accordance with the phrase; “This is my covenant which you shall keep between Me and your descendants after you” (Gen. 17:10). By your descendants after you is meant those present and unborn generations.

These agreements with Abraham was enacted by about four thousand years ago. Let us refer to the prophecy in which God promised to give all the lands between the river Nile in Egypt to the river Euphrates to Abrahams’ descendants (Gen. 15:18). Let us enlist the countries hemmed in between these two rivers and find out which belong to Ishmael and Isaac respectively: Egypt (Ishmael), Sinai (Ishmael), Saudi Arabia (Ishmael), Jordan (Ishmael), Syria (Ishmael), Lebanon (Ishmael), Palestine (Ishmael), Yemen (Ishmael), Bahrain (Ishmael), Oman (Ishmael), Qatar (Ishmael), Israel (Isaac).

Eleven belong to Ishmael’s descendants while one belongs to Isaac’s descendant. Keeping in mind that God promised to give the lands to Abrahams’ descendants, you can see how marvellously the prophecy has been fulfilled. It also goes to establish beyond all doubts that Ishmael was also a descendant and that God has given him the lion’s share of the inheritance which God promised Abrahams’ descendants.

From these observations can be concluded that fact that the preponderantly greater part of the establishment of the covenant has been fulfilled in Ishmael.


Gods’ covenant established with Abraham and Ishmael has been preponderantly fulfilled in Ishmael.          


The post IN WHOM WAS GOD’S COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM ESTABLISHED …Ishmael or Isaac? appeared first on Ghanaian Times.

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